Try this! A friend made it for the superbowl last night & both my 14 month old & I couldn't keep our hands off it!
1 bunch kale
olive oil to coat
garlic powder and salt to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using a knife you're comfortable with, cut kale leaves away from the stalk. Chop into small pieces, no larger than 1 square inch.
Place kale in a large bowl and pour olive oil overtop. Using your hands, blend oil and kale until the kale is coated evenly. Add salt and garlic powder, and mix again.
Place kale mixture onto baking sheets in one thin layer and put in oven for 10 minutes. Check on it every minute or so after that to see if it is crispy. Once kale is crispy so it falls apart in your mouth, remove from oven & serve hot.